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A Bit About Us!

Student Programming Board is in charge of some of the biggest student lead events on campus, from Night Markets that support local businesses to the annual end of year celebration, Dolphinpalooza!

SPB strives to provide an abundance of opportunities for all students to get involved through volunteer and paid student positions! Students who decide to join SPB attend general board meetings, get involved with the planning and organizing of events, work with local businesses and vendors, create decorations, assist in developing advertisements for events, and develop strong teamwork and project management skills.

SPB's events and programs are open and available to all who are interested to apply and/or participate, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.    

General Board Meetings: Fall 2023

Time: 10/31 and 11/7 from 4:00pm-5:00pm
Location: SUB 2005 (located in the Student Union Building)
We encourage all students who are interested to attend! 
For information on upcoming SPB events please visit us on Instagram: @ci.spb

Ekho Requests

To request Ekho appearance at your event complete the Ekho request form three weeks prior to your event! The Ekho appearance request form can be found here:


  • Once you complete the request form, our team will be notified to review the request.
  • If the request confirmed, you will receive notification along with an outlook meeting appointment to confirm the related appearance time. 
  • If the request cannot be supported, we are more than happy to work with you to find an alternative time that works with Ekho's availability. 

Appearances are subject to availability and are on a first-come, first served basis. Be sure to review all requestor info, rules and requirements related to Ekho appearances when completing the Ekho Request Form.

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